Não aconselhado a pessoas sensíveis, ou que tenham medo de palhaços.
Na cena do palhaço o riso é maléfico. Não aconselho a terem o volume alto, senão apanham o cagaço da vossa vida!
Obrigada Gonçalo Alves por partilhares este vídeo comigo!
I thought this video interesting. It is so evil (Maléfico)!!
Not suitable for sensitive people, or those who have fear of clowns.
Keep the volume of your computer down, or you'll have the scare of your life, when the clown laughs.
Thanks to Gonçalo Alves for sharing this video with me!
I would love that the ghost of the birthday boy, when leaving the body, would stop and stare possessively towards that clown and spank him till dead. Then we would see who laughs!!