Thursday, April 22, 2010

hum... my vampire name...

What is your Vampire name?
Your Result: Eamanula Skiittzu

You are squeamish and do not enjoy feeding. You get scared quite easily and jump when someone shouts 'BOO!' You need to talk to people and start having fun and talking to people. You need to start tking some risks.

Serenula Lonesomhel

Namula Moonshine

Tubula Laaughstein

Taranula Scaryns

Cherula Famana

Damula Advefret

Karula Drifher

What is your Vampire name?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

hum... e isto ainda é só o início de uma longa busca por um nome fofinho de vampira.. Como tudo começou? Com um convite da minha amiga Sofia no facebook! A busca continua!


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